In retropect, life seems like a dream.

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When we reach adulthood, we sense that in some ways time is a quality of the mind. The years may pass very quickly and seem, in retrospect, something like a dream. Thus, as we walk toward the sunset of our lives, we see the meaning of the ressurection with a new perspective. ― Reed H. Bradford

Published by

Chuck Lucas

I am the Editor and Founder of a blog dedicated to principle centered personal development. The social, intellectual, physical, and spirtual challenges facing individuals and the communities in which we live in 2020 and beyond will require the best that is within us. True principles anchor us to the truths previously discovered. We can move forward into the future with confidence on the correct path if we do not forsake the truths we already know. My over 50 year quest has been to discover true principles and seek to understand and strive to apply them in my life. My hope is that some of what I have found may be of value to my family, friends, and to you.

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