What they don’t teach you at the the Harvard Business School: Notes from a street-smart executive ✨

Mark H. McCormack
Be flexible & strive for consistency-
While being free with your praise never
let people rest on their laurels–
To manage consistently U have to behave
The ability to delegate more than any-
thing else separates good managers from
bad ones–
Short term greed can be terminal
Start with the BEST—
Candor is powerful, effective & under 
People in business want to do business 
with winners–
Exposure to a good idea speaks for itself
A chance encounter presents opportunity
Position the facts to get the desired
80% of your business is done with 20% of
your customers
Be ethical, be moral – & be aware of the
joys of silence–
Business maturity—the ability 2 post-
pone instant gratification & 2 adjust 2 
the timetable of others
A good general common sense rule of
timing: Don’t blurt out anything–
Many good ideas fail because the timing 
is not correct–
Fear of failure is a positve motivator–
It shows you care
Rejection is rarely personal
Learn the trick of blending in & sticking 
out at the same time
Loyalty is another form of Trust
People who merely work up to their
capabilities don’t become stars
How good are you at resisting impulsive
Discipline Yourself
Luck is the residue of diligence–
Everyone makes errors–Learn from them
The most important asset in life is a 
sense of humor–an ability to laugh at 
yourself or the situation
Legitimate flattery can be quite seductive
False flattery is transparent & can easily
The quickest way to make a lasting 
negative impression is to waste some-
ones time
Consider doing the opposite of what 
someone expects. Often it’s remarkably
It is the little things you say & do that 
often make the most enduring 
Nothing blocks insight into other people
more than your own ego–
Insight demands opening up your senses,
talking less and listening more
Insight allows you to see beyond the
The real self – one’s true nature – can’t
change color to suit its enviroment–
Your boss is judging you by your: 1)
Commitment-2)Attention to detail-3)
Immediate Follow-up—

Published by

Chuck Lucas

I am the Editor and Founder of https://principlesneverfail.us/ a blog dedicated to principle centered personal development. The social, intellectual, physical, and spirtual challenges facing individuals and the communities in which we live in 2020 and beyond will require the best that is within us. True principles anchor us to the truths previously discovered. We can move forward into the future with confidence on the correct path if we do not forsake the truths we already know. My over 50 year quest has been to discover true principles and seek to understand and strive to apply them in my life. My hope is that some of what I have found may be of value to my family, friends, and to you.

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