Sometimes Revelation is like a Falcon 9 launch

Beautiful long exposure at night

Revelation is the rock foundation upon which true religion and personal salvation rest.     Bruce R. McConkie

Revelation is the rock upon which the true Church is founded.   Alma Sonne

Revelation is the guiding light.  Alvin R. Dyer

Revelation is continuous.    Hugh B. Brown

Revelation is . . .  the infinite becoming known.   Hugh B. Brown

Revelation is the process whereby God makes himself known to men.    Spencer W. Kimball

Revelation is the peace that results from a clear conscience.     Milton R. Hunter

Revelation is communication from God to man.     Paul H. Dunn

This great gift of personal revelation is unmistakable; it is direct. It is a more sure communication than the audible spoken word, for that which we hear through mortal ears is sometimes distorted, so often misunderstood. This precious gift of spirit speaking to spirit is infallible and direct.      Robert L. Simpson

Revelation is most enlightening.    Delbert L. Stapley

Revelation is fruitless unless it be listened to and obeyed.   Gordon B. Hinckley

Revelation is indispensable to an understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ.   Marion G. Romney

The principle of revelation is the key which opens the mind and spirit of man to an understanding of the gospel. There is no other key to such knowledge. Thinkers have philosophized poets have dreamed; and scientists have experimented; but only God speaks with a sure knowledge of all truth.    Marion G. Romney

Revelation is the foundation of our faith.    Stephen L. Richards