63 Lessons Learned

–63 things I have learned and re-learned & I am still learning— Reflections of Charles E. Lucas on his 63rd Birthday — February 14, 2013 (It is my hope and prayer that one of these points may be of some help and comfort to one of you) 1.What your children want for dinner is you. 2.We stumble exceedingly without God. 3.The truth is plain & precious & easy to explain & understand if you are ready to receive it. 4.The Holy Ghost loves you & wants you to be happy. 5.The Lord is more merciful & kind than we realize. 6.Christ is continually calling us to come unto him. 7.Faith proceeds & produces miracles. 8.Our service & sacrifices for others will save us. 9.The Savior’s double cure saves us from our iniquities & our sicknesses. 10.When we return to the Lord with full purpose of heart we will not fail. 11.Our mission – go after the one that is not quite there yet. 12.We are the best the Lord has – Let’s go out of our way & comfort zone for others. 13.We all suffer from something & we all need to be delivered from something. 14.Our Redeemer can rescue anyone. 15.Service & sacrifice secure life with our Savior. 16.The Lord is good & a stronghold in times of trouble. 17.Revelations come easily in the temple if we look for them. 18.We know, we feel, & we see that our work in the temple is the work of God. 19.No sacrifice is too great to receive the ordinances of the temple. 20.Change comes by replacing bad habits with more desirable ones. 21.Life turns out to be a succession of trials and errors. 22.Temples are wonderful sanctuaries. They are the most important buildings on earth. 23.We should forgive one another as God for Christ sake has forgiven us. 24.May we be kinder – may we not create a stumbling block for anyone. 25.When we repent – we will be forgiven, that is for sure. 26.To be our advocate the Savior must know everything about us. 27.Our country is now moldering in corruption. 28.The optimist is able to persevere in the absence of certainty. 29.Miracles do not depend on flawless faith. 30.Faith – nothing doubting is not a common gift. 31.Husbands & wives are equal partners in everything. 32.Don’t be afraid to cut the dead wood out of your life. 33.Go where you’re needed, do what you can. 34.It is easy in today’s modern world to be poisoned by degrees. 35.Challenges are blessings and we have many blessings. – Bishop Koster (Lake Poway Ward) 36.Satan will accept our surrender. 37.Sometime we experience loss because we are supposed to rebuild. 38.One thing we know for sure – nobody is perfect. 39.Always remember the lessons of your fathers & mothers. 40.Always keep the Sabbath Holy. 41.Watch yourself & pray always. 42.Always be polite & treat everybody right. 43.His door is always open. 44.Insecurity & Doubt are twins. 45.Our Redeemer is not repulsed by our sins. 46.Our struggles make us stronger. 47.Love – can do, will do. 48.Pride – can’t do, won’t do. 49.Love is the best polish you can buy. 50.The adversary & his influence cannot be in the temple. 51.A nerve wracking experience can be a great blessing. 52.Sometimes we have to take a detour to find our way home. 53.Life is short & it does not all happen here. 54.It is not just about you – there are no private sins. – Gary Sabin (Poway Stake President) 55.There is always something imperfect in any situation. 56.Look forward with hope, rather than look backward with despair. -Shayne M. Bowen 57.There is an immeasurable distance between late and too late.― Og Mandino 58.The miracle of forgiveness gives all of mankind hope for eternal glory. 59.Find the good – and praise it. –Alex Haley 60.Freedom of choice (agency) is essential to existence & progression. -2 Nephi 2 61.Regardless of our fears & anxieties let us pray then go & do. –President Monson 62.Tithing is a good test & a great blessing. 63.You are probably doing better than you think. –Neal A. Maxwell

Lessons learned on the Sawtooth Mountains

Lessons from the Sawtooth Mountains – August 4-6 2011 •The rocks in the path of life are there for a reason & some of them can’t be avoided. •Difficult goals are not impossible goals. •Sometimes in life you need help from other people to reach your goals •Sometimes the hardest part is just to keep going. •There are times in life when every step is uphill. •When things get really tough – Stop! — Catch your breath and then move on. •We are capable of doing much more that we think we can. •Don’t be afraid to do something hard. •Don’t be afraid to invite someone to do something hard with you. •Hard work is easier with the help of others. •Keep moving through the storm because there will be a beautiful morning. •Sore feet don’t have to stop moving. •Your friends are willing to lighten your load if you will let them. •There are many ways to cross a river or climb a mountain. •Your prayers and the prayers of others can give you the power to push forward. •You may never be confronted by the big problems you think about. •Proper preparation and the right equipment may be the difference between failure and success. •It is easier to start something than to finish it. •Dreaming is easier than doing. •Be willing to change course even when you don’t want to. •Set a goal, make big plans, work and you will be surprised at what happens •Don’t be afraid to invite people to get out of their comfort zone. •It is a long way from my couch in Poway to Barron Lake in the Sawtooths but I got there taking one mile at a time. •Watch out for the crap on the trail, but do not stop to smell it. •Sometimes, even when you are careful, you are going to step in it. •Go for a walk, do something, let life touch you. •God’s reality is everywhere in nature. •The beauty of nature can boost your spirits, clear you mind, and strengthen your soul. •Keep walking and your dreams will come true. •The last mile of your journey home may be the toughest. •There is tremendous strength in united effort. •Today is a good day to pray. Never be afraid to pray. •Backpacking without water is like living without praying.

The 5 Second Rule is simple.

The 5 Second Rule is simple.    (Mel Robbins)

If you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill it.

The moment you feel an instinct or a desire to act on a goal or a commitment, use the Rule.

When you feel yourself hesitate before doing something that you know you should do, count 5-4-3-2-1-GO and move towards action.

There is a window that exists between the moment you have an instinct to change and your mind killing it. It’s a 5 second window. And it exists for everyone.

If you do not take action on your instinct to change, you will stay stagnant. You will not change.

But if you do one simple thing, you can prevent your mind from working against you. You can start the momentum before the barrage of thoughts and excuses hit you at full force.

What do you do?

Just start counting backwards to yourself: 5-4-3-2-1.

The counting will focus you on the goal or commitment and distract you from the worries, thoughts, and excuses in your mind.

As soon as you reach “1” – push yourself to move.

This is how you push yourself to do the hard stuff – the work that you don’t feel like doing, or you’re scared of doing, or you’re avoiding.

That’s it. 5 seconds is all it takes.

If you don’t act on an instinct within that 5 second window, that’s it. You’re not doing it.